NECTAR for the future: new trends and exploitation of results

Scarce information and lack of communication or dissemination represent, beyond any doubts, a bottleneck for the advancement of knowledge. This is valid not only within a well-defined community of scientists such as that of a COST action. In science in general it often happens that research is performed ignoring the fact that a method, technology, or result obtained in a specific context can be extremely relevant also from the perspective of other scientific areas. Furthermore, intersectoral research projects and training schemes need to be established in the future. At least at European level NECTAR aims to promote the communication between all subjects (from academia to stakeholders) favouring, in turn, the implementation of intersectoral collaborations. In the long term we believe that this will address societal and economical needs.



    Organisation of meetings to favour contacts between research groups.
    Coordination of STSM plans.
    Design and management of Action website.
    Coordination of activities aimed at starting new research projects.
    Promotion and help the network members to apply for competitive European funds and other international research and innovation grants.
    Contacts and partnerships with stakeholders to increase academia-industry interactions, valuable for innovative ideas and discoveries, to maximise protection of intellectual property rights and commercialization of products of the research.


Organisation of COST Action networking events (meetings, TSs, STSMs).
Coordination and promotion of ITCs participation (increasing the number of partners), as well as the participation of the non-academic organisations.
Contact with industrial partners will help to understand “how could science meet business”, and the mechanisms and perceptivity of business implementations of innovative scientific ideas.
Organisation of joint scientific publications and formation of multidisciplinary research consortia. Organisation of project-writing seminars.
Development of documents with aims, directions, and strategies for future research.
Provision of up to date information on funding opportunities.
Organisation of entrepreneurship workshops and seminars.
Attraction of further world experts.
Implementation of the Action website.
Monitor the whole Action activities to assure gender balance.

Last News


WG5 has created a Short Guide for facilitating the communication of the work carried out by the NECTAR COST's community both to the scienfitic community and the broad audience.
The guide, that can be download here, presents the key steps to follow in order to communicate and advertise the research of any member of the NECTAR COST Action, as well as some good recommendations to take into account in order to improve such task.

If you have any additional question, don't hesitate to contact the Science Communication Manager Ela Gumienna-Kontecka (elzbieta.gumienna-kontecka@chem.uni.wroc.pl) or the WG5 leader Álvaro Martínez-Camarena (alvaro.martinez@uv.es).

Download here the NECTAR communication short guide


Dr Natalia Busto Vázquez - Universidad de Burgos
Dr Rosita Cappai - Università degli studi di Cagliari
Dr Alicia Domínguez-Martín - University of Granada
Dr Sofia Gama - University of Bialystok, Faculty of Chemistry
Prof Elzbieta Gumienna-Kontecka - University of Wrocław
Dr Álvaro Martínez-Camarena - Université de Strasbourg
Prof Demetrio Milea - Università degli Studi di Messina
Ms Giuseppina D. G. Santonoceta - Università degli Studi di Catania
Mr Emanuele Zanda - Université Paris-Saclay-CNRS

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